Plymouth Aquarium Sleepover

We have 12 places available for the West Devon District Beaver Scouts’ sleepover at Plymouth Aquarium 20-21 October 2017. Places will be allocated by leaders with priority given to older children (as younger children will have the opportunity of attending the following year).

This is a fantastic opportunity to experience the excitement of the Aquarium with no other visitors, and to sleep with the fishes down by the main tank!

Please download and complete both forms and return these with your payment of £35 per child to leaders by Wed 4 October at the latest.

Form 1 – Scouting Activity Form

Form 2 – Aquarium Consent Form

Please put your form in an envelope with cash or cheque payable to Bridestowe Scout Group. Please write your child’s name and ‘Aquarium Sleepover’ on the back of the cheque (if using) and the front of the envelope. Payment will be refunded if we cannot offer your child a place this year and you will be given priority next year.